About me
Some would say as an artist it’s easy for me to express myself. Yet I find writing a bio one of the hardest things to do. Some would say as being tatooed and pierced I must be bold and rebellious 😉 Truth is I’m just a hardworking woman who always go extra miles for the sake of doing things my way. Oh, and I also love digital art!
Why digital art?
I was always considered an artsy person, I loved to create. Most of the time you could find me gluing paper butterflies or top hats, painting posters, crocheting and knitting, sewing and doing all sorts of creative things. I also liked drawing but never felt confident in it. Everything changed and started for real when I discovered digital drawing.
I just fell in love with digital art! The possibilities here seem endless. Digital is a medium for any creators, proffesional artists but also for all the creative people.
I know some people say digital is not real art but I highly disagree. Art can be anything. Digital art of all sorts requires skills and constant learning and growing, exactly as traditional art do.
I’m an active member of many groups supporting digital art, sharing what I know and learning from others.
find me online!

Creepy Cute style is my love from first sight. I was always into spooky and creepy things, but at the same time I like what’s cute and sweet. Turns out its actually a great mix. With time I developed my own take on it and I’m really enjoying it! My designs tend to be somewhat dark and spooky, but also sweet and lovely. At least that’s how I see it!
I also draw in different styles, however I’m more into fantasy or cartoons than realism. At least for now, but who knows what future holds right?
Browse through my digital products on Etsy
Look up my printables and digital downloads in my Etsy Shop.
I offer stickers, cards, invitations, SVGs and PNGs, cutfiles, wall art, food graphics, wedding stuff and things for businesses
Tools I use for digital drawing